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Вадзюк С. Н. 
До питання про деякі психофізіологічні особливості осіб з підвищеною чутливістю вестибулярного аналізатора : (огляд) / С. Н. Вадзюк, Р. М. Шмата // Експерим. та клініч. фізіологія і біохімія. - 2020. - № 1. - С. 66-75. - Бібліогр.: 54 назв. - укp.

The article describes the psychophysiological features of people with the increased sensitivity to the vestibular analyzer. The urgency is due to the fact that the vestibular analyzer provides a sense of position, movement of a human body and its parts in space, maintains a pose in all possible types of human activity, performs the function of the body equilibrium both at rest and during the process of movement. The question about the role of the vestibular system in compensation for the linear and angular accelerations that occur during arbitrary or unexpected movements has been investigated for many decades. The increased sensitivity of the vestibular analyzer does not at first glance cause an immediate threat to a humam life, however, it degrades its quality significantly. However, it has a progressive nature and is accompanied by insufficient compensation under stress. The reactions of the organism with increased sensitivity to the vestibular analyzer are investigated in the studies, aimed mainly at identifying the professional features of functioning of the vestibular apparatus, that is, people whose activities required resistance to direct and angular acceleration. It has been proved that the functional state of the vestibular analyzer does not only affect the human condition significantly, but often leads to indications to a certain activity. While analyzing the prevalence of vestibular analyzer hypersensitivity, it was observed in 18,6 % of adolescents. The main types of dizziness observed in people with vestibular analyzer hypersensitivity were kinetosis, eclipse, optokinesis, disturbances in orthostatics and equilibrium. The study of vestibulo-sensory reactions revealed a correlation between the duration of vestibular illusion of rotation and the level of functional mobility of nervous processes which means that the higher the duration of vestibular illusion of anti-rotation, the lower the level of functional mobility. Features of neurodynamic processes in people with a long duration of vestibular illusion of rotation, in the conditions of excitation of the vestibular analyzer, occur to a greater extent by increasing both the duration of motor reactions and the time of the reflex response. It is known from the reference literature that the feedback of the nervous system strength and the sensitivity to the analyzers in people with a strong nervous system, are characterized by a low level of sensitivity to the analyzers and, conversely, a weak nervous system is characterized by a high sensitivity. People with a high vestibular sensitivity have rhythmograms that indicate a decrease in the level of functional reserves. This reduces the adaptive capacity of the individuals. With a prolonged exposure to vestibular stimuli, such individuals are characterized by imperfect adaptation mechanisms. The functional status of these individuals is impaired as a result of reduced functional and metabolic reserves of a body, especially in the III type of weather. The obtained data also correlate neuroticism with many important physiological indicators.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р64


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