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Selegej A. 
The parameters of burden flow from the bins of bell-less top charging system of blast furnaces = Параметри випуску шихтових матеріалів із бункерів безконусних завантажувальних пристроїв доменної печі / A. Selegej, V. Ivaschenko, V. Chistyakov, V. Golovko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 3. - С. 41-46. - Бібліогр.: 11 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To prove the correspondence of the mathematical description regarding the process of the furnace charge material efflux out of the collecting bin of the bell-less top charging mechanism of a blast furnace as a result of the full-scale modeling of the studied process. Methodology. Full-scale modeling of mechanical systems based on the Newton number is employed in the research study. Experimental investigation of the process of the burden efflux out of the collecting bin of the bell-less top charging mechanism of a blast furnace is fulfilled at the scale of 1:10,6. The correspondence of theoretically-calculated volumetric burden flow rate is tested and compared with the results of the full-scale modeling. Findings. The volumetric flow rate of the burden is determined both experimentally and theoretically taking into account various degrees of opening sliding charge gate. It is found that the change in the opening angle of the sliding charge gate of the charging feeder bin model from to 1 radian results in the raise of the volumetric burden flow rate from 0 to 0,0014 m<^>3/s while maintaining the free-dispersed nature of the flow. The integrated effect of granulometric furnace burden characteristics as well as geometric parameters of the bin delivery part on the volumetric furnace burden flow rate out of the bin is outlined. Empirical dependencies for model-sized sinter and coke consumption rates are developed. According to the results, the adequacy of the mathematical description regarding the process of the furnace charge material efflux out of the collecting bin of the bell-less top charging feeder in terms of the blast furnasct bs proven fs a result of the fuii-scale modeling of the studied process. Originality. First-ever, complex dependencies of the furnace charge flov rate on the opening angle of the sliding gate, the configuration of the delivery part of the bin, the size of the used furnace charge are established. Thus, the flow rate increases with the rise in the opening angle of the sliding gate, the reduction in the equivalent diameter (average size) of the particles of the furnace charge materials, the angle of the delivery part of the bin. Practical value. The results can be used for determining the technological parameters of charging a modern blast furnace under various raw materials conditions. This will enable to make the furnace feeding system more automated, which will result in more efficient use of expensive furnace charge materials, reduction in power consumption and decrease in harmful impact on the environment. Recommendations regarding the selection of sizes for both the blast furnace feeding system elements and furnace burden for the corresponding modeling are provided. This makes any furnace feeding system unit modeling as well as various mechanical system design possible.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К323.102


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