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Mazaraki A. A. 
Multi-agent information service system of managing integration processes of enterprises = Мультиагентна система інформаційного забезпечення управління інтеграційними процесами підприємств / A. A. Mazaraki, M. H. Boiko, M. V. Bosovska, M. V. Kulyk // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 3. - С. 103-108. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To model consolidated information systems as a result of interaction of economic entities in the information space. To reveal the information and communication direction of the virtual integration plane, to substantiate the principles of its formation and composition of the elements which constitute it. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article involves neoclassical economic theories, concepts of economic integration, methodological basis of systematic and synergistic approaches. The authors used methods of subject and cognitive modeling, which allowed developing a model of multi-agent information plane to implement mechanisms of interaction of participants in integrated business structures. The logical method of scientific cognition allowed the authors to formulate conclusions that substantiate the need to create an economic and informational space for interaction between the participants of the economic integration. Findings. The authors suggest the theoretical and methodological provisions of the use of information technologies to ensure the information interaction of participants of integration entities. A model of a multi-agent information plane, based on a 4-tier open distribution information system, is presented. The role and tasks of interconnected subsystems in the economic and information space are substantiated. Directions of influence through the formed information and communication corridors are clarified. The authors proved the need to accumulate information flows within the virtual integration plane based on the agents' local information systems. The multi-agent architecture of the virtual interaction environment for business entities within the integration plane is improved; the scheme of virtual agent interaction model based on the virtual plane is defined and the block diagram of the algorithm of interaction of economic agents within the virtual integration plane is improved. Originality. Scientific priority of ensuring information interaction of participants of integration entities based on using information technologies is enhanced. The authors revealed information and communication direction of the virtual integration plane. The process of formation of the virtual economic-information space of interaction of participants within the framework of a multi-agent virtual information plane is specified, which allows accumulating, processing, distributing, and using the consolidated knowledge base with the purpose of information and communication support of cross-cutting business processes, support of the adoption of management decisions to provide virtual interaction of the agents. Practical value. The conducted research provides applied tools of modernization of the use of information technologies to ensure information interaction of participants of integration entities. A virtual integration plane is formed, which is the basis for managing the virtual integration interaction of business entities and implementing the concept of integration development. The results obtained during the research will allow providing informational support of managerial decision-making, implementing economic ties, monitoring the implementation of integration programs and strategies.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: У9(4УКР)290-21


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