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Kuzmin O. Ye. 
Industrial potential: assessment, modeling and administration under the condition of sustainable development = Промисловий потенціал: оцінювання, моделювання та управління в умовах сталого розвитку / O. Ye. Kuzmin, N. S. Stanasiuk, M. Ya. Yastrubskyi, O. Yu. Mohylevska, V. S. Artiushok // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2020. - № 6. - С. 128-135. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

Purpose. The world community recognizes the concept of sustainable economic development as the dominant ideology of society in the 21st century. The aim of the research is to improve the theoretical and methodological as well as methodologically applied principles of economic assessment of the industrial potential development and to work out, on this basis, the conceptual principles of state administration, directed towards its balanced development that will foster the implementation of the sustainable development concept. Methodology. To reach the aim, we used the systems analysis - to develop the system of indexes and evaluation indicators; integral evaluation - to determine integral levels of indexes; multivariable correlation-regressive analysis - to determine cause-and-effect relations between the factors of the macro environment and levels of development of the industrial potential. Findings. It is suggested to consider the industrial potential as a multicomponent category through input and output indicators, their outline being the basis for determination of integral levels of reproductive and achieved potentials development. Conceptual bases of the state administration of the balanced development of the industrial potential are formulated, the main idea of which is fulfillment of sustainable industrial development principles due to the achievement of certain levels of the development of the reproductive and achieved potential components. The creation of a favorable macro environment is defined as the main direction of state administration of industrial potential development. It is proposed to use the following indicators to identify the relationship between macro-environmental indicators and result indicators of industrial potential development: development of scientific potential, development of educational potential, development of consumer potential, macroeconomic stability, business environment development, investment activity, labor market development, infrastructure development, demographic situation, ecological stability, level of law and order, and innovation activity. Econometric models of macro environment formation for the balanced development of the industrial potential are worked out. Factors of significant influence on the development level of the reproductive and achieved potentials are identified. The result of implementation of the suggested concept is to achieve a high level of the industrial potential development both at the input stage (the stage of formation) and at the output (stage of implementation) since disbalance gives evidence of an arising problem, unsustainable use of the potential available can result in structure crises. Originality. The system of indicators of complex economic assessment of industrial potential is substantiated on the conditions of multicomponentity. The proposed methodological approach allows distinguishing two types of industrial potential (reproductive and achieved ones), the balanced interaction of which is the basis of its development, which should be taken into account when developing the conceptual foundations of state management of sustainable development. A-set of models for the formation of a favorable macroenvironment as a result of multicollinear influence of factors with regard to the result indicators of industrial potential development has been developed.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: У530.1-21


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