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Ishchenko M. 
Enterprise digitalization security level diagnostics according to its life cycle phase = Діагностика рівня безпеки діджиталізації підприємства з урахуванням фази його життєвого циклу / M. Ishchenko, K. Astafieva, V. Adamovska, O. Bondarenko, I. Mishchuk // Фінанс.-кредит. діяльність: проблеми теорії та практики : зб. наук. пр.. - 2020. - Вип. 4. - С. 220-229. - Бібліогр.: 29 назв. - англ.

Taking into account the current conditions of companies' transition to remote mode of operation, it is of paramount importance to have a number of tools giving opportunity to assess the readiness of business entities to work with all the contractors remotely. Thus, it is necessary for enterprises and business entities to ensure the digitalization security. The article is devoted to the study of differences between the essence of the concepts "Information Security" and "Security of digitalization", as well as the analysis of enterprises digitalization security level. The authors proposed a method of assessing the enterprise digitalization security level from the standpoint of life cycle theory, which allows to identify signs of the "Information Recession" in its activities. The research methodology involves an integrated analysis of the main enterprise activity aspects at the different stages of its life cycle using an indicator that takes into account the depreciation of intangible assets, namely, computer security, the level of administrative costs and sales costs. Identification of the "Information Recession" conditions and determination of the digitalization security level was carried out by expert methods. Specialists on strategic development of enterprises acted as experts. Experts have eradicated such security levels of digitalization as "normal", "acceptable" and "critical". The method was tested on the materials of the Kryvyi Rih mining enterprises. The obtained results characterize the conditions for identifying the "Information Recession" in the activities of enterprises at such stages of their life cycles as "Formation", "Infancy", "Childhood", "Growth", "Stability" and "Recession". The proposed approach will allow to improve the processes of management automation and to increase the digitalization processes implementation efficiency for industrial enterprises.

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