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Nerubatskyi V. P. 
Method for optimization of switching frequency in frequency converters = Методика оптимізації частоти комутації в перетворювачах частоти / V. P. Nerubatskyi, O. A. Plakhtii, D. V. Tugay, D. A. Hordiienko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 1. - С. 103-110. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To present a methodology for determining the optimal switching frequency in frequency converters and autonomous voltage inverters, the load of which is an asynchronous electric motor. The methodology is based on determining the dependences of static and dynamic power losses in the power switches of the inverter on the switching frequency and the dependence of power losses in the windings of an induction motor on the higher harmonics of currents, which also depend on the switching frequency. Methodology. Polynomial approximation of the energy characteristics of power transistors. General provisions of the theory of electrical circuits. The determination of additional power losses in the windings of an induction motor from higher harmonics is based on analytical calculation and simulation in the Matlab/Simulink software environment and a specialized program from the manufacturer of power switches Mitsubishi - MelcoSim 5.1. Findings. A method for optimizing the frequency of pulse-width modulation in frequency converters, the load of which is an asynchronous motor, is presented according to the criterion of the minimum total power losses in the power transistors of the inverter and the resistance of the motor windings. The proposed calculation technique allows determining the dependence of static and dynamic losses in power IGBT-transistors with a sufficiently high accuracy while being in the MelcoSim software environment. To calculate the losses in the motor, it is shown that the switching frequency of the power switches affects the harmonic distortion factor and the average value of the phase current of the induction motor. Provided that only the first harmonic of the current performs the useful action in an asynchronous motor, the dependence of additional power losses on the switching frequency is given. Originality. A method for optimizing the frequency of pulse-width modulation by the criterion of minimum additional power losses in the resistance of the motor windings from higher harmonics of the current and static and dynamic losses in the power transistors of the inverter is presented. An analytical dependence of additional power losses in the active resistance of the windings of induction motors as a function of the harmonic distortion factor of the phase current of an autonomous voltage inverter is presented. Practical value. The presented technique makes it possible to determine the optimal modulation frequency in frequency converters with asynchronous motors and to ensure the minimum total power losses and the maximum value of efficiency in the "autonomous voltage inverter - asynchronous motor" system.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З264.5


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