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Prokhorova V. V. 
Formation of motivational mechanism in strategic management of a diversified enterprise = Формування мотиваційного механізму у стратегічному управлінні диверсифікованого підприємства / V. V. Prokhorova, Kh. Ya. Zalutska, Yu. V. Us // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 1. - С. 177-185. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

The successful functioning of a diversified enterprise requires a well-organized team of workers and well-chosen business structures for cooperation and integration to provide balanced and effective development of its business units aimed at the maximum satisfaction of its own interests and achievement of the general goal of the enterprise functioning. The establishment and support of such relations depend significantly on the effective motivational activities both for the enterprise employees (internal ones) and its partners (external ones). At the same time, the intensity of the motivational activities for different business entities depends on the level of their possible influence on the efficiency of the corresponding business entity performance, the level of coordination and optimality of mutual relations between these business entities, and success of the strategic development of the whole diversified enterprise. That is, the motivational activities for different influence groups are different depending on the enterprise mission, the focus of its long-term goals, the chosen strategic way of the development, and others. Purpose. Consequently, the objective of this article is to elaborate theoretical and methodical recommendations regarding the formation of the complex motivational mechanism of the diversified enterprise by grounding and selection of a motivational system for each influence group attractive for it at a certain point of time (employees, consumers, opponents, and suppliers). Methodology. To achieve the set objective, the research of this work is conducted using the methods of generalization, abstraction, analysis, synthesis, and situational modeling. The calculation of the efficiency of the proposed activities of the complex motivational mechanism is conducted using the methods of factor analysis, effective competition theory, and integral method. Findings. The research conducted resulted in the definition of the structure of complex motivational mechanism of the diversified enterprise, description of the features of its external and internal constituents, and formation of the influence groups for each constituent. Possible ways of the combination of important for the enterprise influence groups are formed and of the main conditions for their use are presented depending on the selected general strategy of the enterprise development. Originality. The novelty of this article involves theoretical and practical recommendations for the formation, implementation, and realization of the activities of the complex motivational mechanism for the diversified enterprise.

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