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Hirin I. V. 
Comparative analysis of safety design for electric vehicle and internal combustion engine cars / I. V. Hirin, V. Yu. Tyshchenko // Вісн. Криворіз. нац. ун-ту : зб. наук. пр.. - 2020. - Вип. 51. - С. 57-62. - Бібліогр.: 24 назв. - англ.

A comprehensive study of the current safety design of electric vehicles (EVs), identifying the problems to be addressed for the development of the national electric mobility market infrastructure and the competition with conventional internal combustion engine cars (ICE) in Ukraine. Research methods. Synthesis and analysis of the published theoretical developments using world statistical indicators on electric vehicles, analytical calculations, and statistical analysis. The methodology of theoretical research is based on the logical and mathematical methods. A number of particular methods are as follows: axiomatic and hypothetical methods, analysis and synthesis, interpretation method. An integrated approach including synthesis and analysis of literature review and research on automobile transport. The analytical assessment of the safety design of up-to-date electric vehicles and the identification of the key directions and technical capabilities to further enforce of active, passive, post-accident and environmental safety of electric vehicles. The main design criteria result in reduced road traffic fatality rates thanks to a number of electric vehicles on the road. The high dependence of the whole EV safety design on individual parts and units of the EVs has a direct impact on improving road safety. A comparative analysis of the technological components of active, passive, post-accident and environmental safety of electric vehicles and conventional cars. Test results of EVs compared to ICE cars are summarized. An assessment of fire risks of vehicles equipped with electric batteries of different types. The constructive solutions of modern mass-produced electric vehicles, which pose the greatest threat to road safety, are noted. Further research priorities for improvement of electric vehicle safety design are identified.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: О333.2-082.02


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