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Analytical chemistry: textbook : [the textbook for students of higher schools] / I. S. Grytsenko, V. V. Bolotov, L. Yu. Klimenko, T. A. Kostina, O. Ye. Mykytenko, S. V. Kolisnyk; ред.: I. S. Grytsenko; National University of Pharmacy. - Kharkiv : NUPh : Golden Pages, 2019. - 599 c. - Бібліогр.: с. 591-592 - англ.

This textbook consists of three parts: qualitative analysis; quantitative analysis; instrumental methods of analysis. The first part contains different analytical reactions for determination of elements, ions and chemical compounds of inorganic and organic nature, as well as reactions for detection of anions and cations, which are part of medicines, and reactions for the purity control and determination of impurities permissible limits in medicines. The second part contains the main information about classical titrimetry and gravimetry. The theoretical bases of the methods, physical concepts and principles of each method, as well as the information about practical application are shown. The information about titration curves plotting in different methods, the basic calculation formulae for volumetric and gravimetric analysis, examples of quantitative calculations according to the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine and European Pharmacopoeia are presented. The third part contains the main data about electrochemical, optical and chromatographic methods of analysis; the theoretical bases, physical concepts and principles of each method are given. The main information and examples of metrological calculations in chemical analysis are presented.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Г4 я73-1


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