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Nerubatskyi V. 
A method for calculating the parameters of the sine filter of the frequency converter, taking into account the criterion of starting current limitation and pulse-width modulation frequency = Методика розрахунку параметрів синусного фільтра перетворювача частоти, що враховує критерій обмеження пускового струму та частоту широтно-імпульсної модуляції / V. Nerubatskyi, O. Plakhtii, D. Hordiienko, S. Mykhalkiv, V. Ravluyk // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2021. - № 1/8. - С. 6-16. - Бібліогр.: 40 назв. - англ.

An analysis of the method for ensuring the sinusoidality of the output voltage in power generation systems with self-commutated voltage inverters under the requirements of the international standard IEEE-519 is presented. In a number of programs, especially low-power generation systems, a low-cost solution is needed to provide the sinusoidal waveform of the output voltage with the total harmonic distortion of 5 %. This solution is to use two-level voltage inverters with an output sine LC filter. However, the feature of the sine filter with the frequency converter is that the PWM frequency affects the spectrum of higher harmonics of the output voltage. In addition, there is the starting current of the filter capacitor, which can disable the power switches of the voltage inverter. The developed method for calculating the values of the LC filter with the two-level voltage inverter in the PWM mode is presented meeting the requirements of the international standard IEEE-519, taking into account the modulation frequency and limitation of the starting current of the filter capacitor. To confirm the required quality of the output voltage of the two-level voltage inverter with the sine filter, an appropriate simulation model was created in the Matlab/Simulink computer simulation environment. The oscillograms and harmonic analysis of the input and output voltages of the sine filter, which showed the total harmonic distortion of 1,88 %, are presented. A physical prototype of the investigated system was created on the basis of a 5,5 kW OVEN PChV203-5K5-V frequency converter (Ukraine). Using the SIGLENT SDS1104X-E oscilloscope (China), the real waveform and the results of the harmonic analysis of the sine filter output voltage, confirming the implementation of the necessary sinusoidality criteria, were obtained.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З264.5


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