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Slipych O. 
Installation of a stationary hydraulic hammer at a height / O. Slipych, K. Romanenko, D. Kravtsova, O. Bondar // Вісн. Криворіз. нац. ун-ту : зб. наук. пр.. - 2021. - Вип. 52. - С. 64-70. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

The article presents a non-standard project for the installation of heavy dynamic equipment at a height - stationary hydraulic hammer. It has been illuminated the result of visual and instrumental flaw detection performed by special tools of non-destructive testing and laboratory tests and measurements of constructive elements of a building in which it is necessary to install the hammer. The calculations are made in the software complex "LIRA CAD 2013", which implements the finite element method in displacements. It has been demonstrated the loads calculation on the foundation of the hammer and the plan for its installation at mark of 13,640 meters. It has been analyzed current methods and recent studies of beam reinforcement. After analyzing current methods and recent studies of beam reinforcement, the authors conclude that reinforcement of beams with metal clamps is the most appropriate in this case. First of all, metal can withstand dynamic loads; it does not crumble under tensile forces. Secondly, economic indicators have played a significant role in the selection of the material: the reinforcement project was ordered in the region of iron ore and steel production, so the cost of metal is much lower than the cost of carbon-fiber tapes. Necessity has been substantiated: (I) strengthening reinforced concrete beams MB52-1 at the mark +13,640 in the axes 4 - 6 and E - F; (II) installation of steel beams under the foundation of the hammer; (III) installation of shields of the fixed formwork of the hammer foundation. Some recommendations were given.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Н4-02


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