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Khraban T. 
Archetypal dominant in the Ukrainian sector of social networks = Архетипічна домінанта в українському секторі соціальних мереж / T. Khraban // Філол. трактати. - 2020. - 12, № 2. - С. 15-21. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

The aim of the article is to analyze which archetypes are dominant in the personality, activities, objectives, self-concept of users of the Ukrainian sector of social networks and project as a manifestation of users - personal preferences and resonance in the posts on the social network Facebook. Insight into phenomenon of identity has been carried out in the media-centered approach to understanding the personality. The essence of this approach based on psychoanalytic theory and extends to modern ideas about oneself and the people which a person encounters throughout his life. In this study the method of contextual and intuitive-logical interpretive analysis was used in order to identify the meanings of publications (aphorisms and quotations) based on personal experience and logical thinking. Content analysis was used to separate certain patterns into thematic groups, which made it possible to identify the dominant archetypes in publications. The posts (aphorisms and quotes) posted on the users' pages in the Ukrainian sector of social networks (780 units) provided inputs for the study. Results and discussions. Since archetypes are characteristic characters and plotelements, often represent key roles in life-story narratives with familiar and consistent traits, archetypal figures have become prototypes for a universal role model. Quotes and aphorisms are very common incentives for discussion on social networks. Personal preferences in this area are enough indicative to provide a complete picture of the issues of concern. Conclusions. The most common archetypes in the Ukrainian sector of social networks are "Sage", "Ruler", "Innocent", "Everyman", "Wizard". The share of these five archetypes is 73 %. The fact that the share of the three archetypes "Sage", "Innocent", "Explorer" reaches 42 %, indicates the prevalence of the strategy of individualism in social networks. The main characteristics of people using these three archetypes to build their identity are spiritual search, reflections on the world and their place in it, endless doubts about themselves, about the correctness/incorrectness of their choices, the desire to be a bright individual and to choose their ownpath. The full development of the personality and the realization individual's intentions as an end in themselves become a prerogative. Taking into account these circumstances, as well as the fact that social networks users are united in communities of interest, we can conclude there is a tendency in the development of constructive individualism in social networks - individuals consciously unite into groups to achieve their own goals and organize their lives.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: С5*676


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