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Kovbasenko S. 
Determining the effect of change in the gas injection timing on the performance indicators of the diesel engine operating in the diesel-gas cycle = Визначення впливу зміни фази впорскування газу на показники дизеля, що працює за газодизельним циклом / S. Kovbasenko, A. Holyk, V. Simonenko // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2021. - № 2/1. - С. 52-60. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

This paper reports a study into the fuel, economic, energy, and environmental indicators of the diesel engine operating in the diesel-gas cycle. It was established that the injection timing has a significant impact on the diesel engine indicators, in particular emissions of harmful substances with exhaust gases. The gas injection timing was investigated at crankshaft speeds n = 1,300 rpm and n = 1,600 rpm. At these crankshaft speeds, measurements were carried out at three different values of the injection timing. It has been determined that for each crankshaft speed of the diesel engine, the rational values of the injection timing of compressed natural gas are different. This is due to the time limits for supplying compressed natural gas to cylinders. Bench motor tests were carried out to analyze the effect of change in the gas injection timing on the diesel engine performance indicators operating in the diesel-gas cycle. The diesel engine performance indicators were also determined during a diesel cycle and during a diesel-gas cycle. The analysis has established the effect of change in the injection timing on the concentrations of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and the smoke of exhaust gases under different speed and load modes of diesel engine operation. This effect manifests itself by a slight decrease in the concentration of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons, by the increase in the concentration of nitrogen oxides (up to 30 %), and by a significant reduction in the smoke of exhaust gases (up to 90 %). The improvement of environmental indicators of the diesel engine has been confirmed when switching its operation to the dieselgas cycle, by 10 - 16 %, with similar fuel, economic, and energy indicators. Thus, there are grounds to assert the importance of choosing and establishing the rational value for the injection timing of compressed natural gas, depending on the speed and load modes of diesel engine operating in the diesel-gas cycle.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З365


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