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Korohodskyi V. 
Development of a three-zone combustion model for stratified-charge spark-ignition engine = Разработка трехзонной модели сгорания для двигателя с искровым зажиганием и расслоением топливовоздушного заряда / V. Korohodskyi, A. Rogovyi, O. Voronkov, A. Polivyanchuk, P. Gakal, O. Lysytsia, I. Khudiakov, T. Makarova, M. Hnyp, Y. Haiek // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2021. - № 2/5. - С. 46-57. - Бібліогр.: 54 назв. - англ.

A thermodynamic model for calculating the operating process in the cylinder of a spark-ignition engine with internal mixture formation and stratified air-fuel charge based on the volume balance method was developed. The model takes into account the change in the working fluid volume during the piston movement in the cylinder. The equation of volume balance of internal mixture formation processes during direct fuel injection into the engine cylinder was compiled. The equation takes into account the adiabatic change in the volume of the stratified air-fuel charge, consisting of fuel-air mixture volume and air volume. From the heat balance equation, the change in the fuel-air mixture volume during gasoline evaporation in the fuel stream and from the surface of the fuel film due to external heat transfer was determined. Basic equations of combustion-expansion processes of the stratified air-fuel charge were derived, taking into account three zones corresponding to combustion products, fuel-air mixture and air volumes. The equation takes into account the change in the working fluid volume due to heat transfer and heat exchange between the zones and the walls of the above-piston volume. Dependences for determining the temperature in the three considered zones and pressure in the cylinder were obtained. Graphs of changes in the volumes of the combustion products, fuel-air mixture and air zones with the change of the above-piston volume in partial load modes (n = 3,000 rpm) were plotted. With increasing load from bmep = 0,144 MPa to bmep = 0,322 MPa, at the moment of fuel ignition, the volume of the fuel-air mixture increases from 70 % to 92 % of the above-piston volume. At the same time, the air volume decreases from 30 % to 8 %. Analysis of theoretical and experimental indicator diagrams showed that discrepancies in the maximum combustion pressure do not exceed 5 %.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З365.342-01


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