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Khudov H. 
Development of a direct penetrating signal compensator in a distributed reception channel of a surveillance radar = Розробка компенсатору прямого проникаючого сигналу в каналі рознесеного прийому оглядової радіолокаційної станції / H. Khudov, S. Yarosh, O. Droban, O. Lavrut, Y. Hulak, I. Porokhnia, S. Yarovyi, A. Rogulia, I. Yuzova, R. Khudov // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2021. - № 2/9. - С. 16-26. - Бібліогр.: 31 назв. - англ.

General structure of a compensator of a direct penetrating signal in the diversed reception channel was developed. It is advisable to use the antenna and the receiver of the auxiliary diverted reception channel as an auxiliary antenna and an auxiliary channel. To be able to suppress the penetrating signal in the band of the receiving device of the surveillance radar, distance between the antennas should be up to 6 m. In general, the compensator of the penetrating signals should contain an adder in which the signals received by the main channel are added with the signals received by the auxiliary channel and sent through the amplifier with a corresponding complex transmission coefficient. The direct penetration signal compensator features the obligatory condition of adjusting the value of the complex transmission coefficient of the auxiliary channel signal amplifier. The direct penetration signal compensator is digital and uses the direct method of forming weighting coefficients without the use of feedback. To reduce the time of formation of weighting coefficients when using direct methods of calculation of the correlation matrix, the technology of parallel computational processes was used. The quality of operation of the direct penetrating signal suppression system in the diverted reception channel was evaluated. It was established that without the use of suppression of direct penetrating signals, their powerful response at the output of the matched filter mask weak echo signals. When using a direct penetrating signal in the main channel of the compensator, its response at the output of the matched filter is significantly reduced. This makes it possible to observe weak echoes against the background of a strong penetrating signal. The use of the developed direct penetrating signal compensator provides suppression of the direct penetrating signal from 57 dB to 70 dB.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: О571.55


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