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Pusik L. 
Determining the effect of treating table beet with biopreparations before storage on its preservation = Визначення впливу обробки біопрепаратами перед зберіганням на збереженість буряка столового / L. Pusik, V. Pusik, V. Bondarenko, L. Gaevaya, N. Lyubymova, G. Sukhova, N. Didukh, G. Slobodyanyk // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2021. - № 2/11. - С. 23-32. - Бібліогр.: 28 назв. - англ.

The study reported here aimed to explore the preservation of table beet depending on its treatment with bio preparations before storage in order to prolong its shelf life. The effect of aqueous solutions of the biopreparations Phytosporine and Gamair in concentrations of 0,2 %, 0,3 %, and 0,5 % on the intensity of quality loss by beetroots during storage was investigated. It was found that the treatment with the bio preparations reduced the total weight loss by the roots Zepo F1 by 7,9 - 10,3 %, Carillon F1 - by 6,8 - 7,7 %. The daily weight loss by untreated beetroots due to the damage induced by microorganisms ranged from 0,08 +- 0,01 % at a storage temperature of 1 +- 1 <^>oС to 0,1 +- 0,01 % at a storage temperature of 15 +- 1 <^>oС, respectively. The sugar content in beetroots non-treated with bio preparations decreases during storage by 21,6 - 25,0 %. Treating beetroots with a 0,3 % solution of Phytosporine reduces sugar losses over 150 days at a storage temperature of 1 +- 1 <^>oС by 3,7 - 6,5 %; with a 0,3 % Gamair solution - by 8,8 - 12,8 %. The loss of vitamin C ranged from 39,4 % to 41,2 % relative to the initial content in the control. The treatment with Phytosporine reduced the loss of vitamin C to 17,4 % in Zepo F1, and 25,4 % - in Carillon F1; with Gamair - to 28,0 and 29,3 %, respectively. At a storage temperature of 15 +- 1 <^>oС, the content of vitamin C decreased by 1,5 - 1,8 times over 90 days. It was established that the preservation of table beet depends on the shape of a root. At a storage temperature of 1 +- 1 <^>oС, the weight loss by cylindrical beetroots is 5,1 %, rounded shape - 5,4 %. The yield of marketable products ranges from 74,2 to 82,9 % for the Carillon F1 hybrid, and for Zepo F1 of a round shape - 73,3 - 80,5 % depending on the storage temperature. The technique of treating table beet before storage with bio preparations allows using Phytosporine and Gamair for post-harvest treatment of vegetable raw materials. When devising new, low-cost, environmentally friendly, and affordable technologies, this is an important tool.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л912.3


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