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Fadi Alfaqs 
Force and pressure function formulation for direct cold extrusion of aluminum alloy Al 1350 using regression method = Формулювання функцій сили й тиску для прямої холодної екструзії алюмінієвого сплаву Al 1350 з використанням методу регресії / Fadi Alfaqs, Ghazi S. Marahleh // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 3. - С. 38-43. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Establishing methodology in order to determine mathematically both extrusion force and pressure functions for Aluminum alloy AL 1350 using the regression method of experimental data. Methodology. Several variables (diameter of the cavity for pressing D, degree of extrusion, angle of the punch head cone <$E 2 delta>, and ratio of the semi-finished sizes Rs) were included when using the regression method considered. Findings. Diameter and strain were found to play a significant role in predicting both extrusion force and pressure functions associated with the extrusion process. Mathematical formulas for force and pressure were obtained using the regression method. A methodology has been developed for the mathematical determination of extrusion force and pressure. Originality. Force and pressure functions in direct cold extrusion process are mainly required for the design of extrusion dies. However, the existence of such data in the literature is insufficient to implement the process for direct cold extrusion of aluminum and aluminum alloys as well as for other materials. Results of the study consider the main factors influencing extrusion force and pressure as well as the main differences for types of aluminum alloys. Practical value. The mathematical formulas obtained by the regression method provide a mathematical tool for calculating force and pressure values in direct extrusion process.

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