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Avramenko A. M. 
Application of highly efficient hydrogen generation and storage systems for autonomous energy supply = Застосування високоефективних систем генерування та зберігання водню для автономного енергозабезпечення / A. M. Avramenko, A. A. Shevchenko, N. A. Chorna, A. L. Kotenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 3. - С. 69-74. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of scientific and engineering solutions to improve the reliability of power supply of stand-alone systems and mitigate the environmental burden by using hydrogen technologies for energy storage. Methodology. The calculation method provides a set of optimal technical solutions for determining the effective operating modes of a stand-alone power supply system for supplying hydrogen to a fuel cell based on the electric load schedules of a particular consumer by using a computational experiment. Findings. Based on the study, a technological scheme of a stand-alone power supply system based on fuel cells was developed, and an approach to the creation of a metal hydride system for accumulating and supplying hydrogen to fuel cells was substantiated. A calculation algorithm was developed that allows calculating the annual energy balance of a specific consumer and selecting the necessary equipment to implement the scheme based on the annual heat and electric load schedule. Originality. An alternative scheme of guaranteed electric power and heat supply for a stand-alone house without using imported fuel is proposed. The advantage of such a scheme is that it is closed because hydrogen is produced on site to power the fuel cell, while the metal hydride hydrogen storage system is capable of performing hydrogen absorption and its release due to the hot and cold water resources available in the system. Practical value. The technology for converting the energy of primary sources by creating a wind-driven energy technological complex using an electrolysis plant and a metal hydride hydrogen storage system will solve the problem of smoothing the irregular electric power supply from renewable sources.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З273


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