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Linnik Yu. N. 
Formation mechanisms of maximal loads on cutters and cutting heads of coal mining machines = Закономірності формування максимальних навантажень на різцях і виконавчих органах вугледобувних машин / Yu. N. Linnik, V. Yu. Linnik, S. A. Prokopenko, A. Zich // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 5. - С. 43-48. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To determine an influence exerted by the cutting mode and by geometry of cutters on the impact loads in various scenarios of cutter-solid inclusion interaction. Methodology. Mathematical simulation, statistical analysis. Findings. Fracture of coal seams of a complex structure which contain solid discontinuities (solid inclusions and hard dirt bands) is associated with generation of impact loads on cutters and cutting heads of mining machines which cause a decrease in the productivity of the coal extraction process and premature failure of their components and elements. This impairs efficiency of coal cutting and causes premature failure of different components and parts. It is found that when a cutter cuts an inclusion or touches it, the size of the inclusion has no influence on the value of the peak load. On the contrary, in case of tear-out of an inclusion, the peak cutting force value essentially depends on the size and shape of the inclusion, as well as on the brittleness and plasticity of coal as these properties govern coal-inclusion cohesion. It is found that out of all modes of cutter-solid inclusion interaction, the highest loads arise in the mode of central cutting of inclusions. The mechanisms and behavior of occurrence of loads in short-term cutting of large (unbroken) solid inclusions by a group of cutters are discussed. The maximal loads on groups of cutters on cutting heads can also arise in gradual stalling when the average loading level approaches the tractive effort torque of electric motor when a group of cutters cuts many solid inclusions simultaneously, or in undermining of roof rocks, or in cutting hard dirt bands. Originality. The probabilities of solid inclusion cutting by a cutter are determined for different outputs of a cutting head, and the action times of the maximal peak load in cutting a coal strip 100 m long are assessed. The relations are proposed to calculate the levels and action times of maximal loads on a group of cutters in cutting solid inclusions, as well as the coefficients of variation in the loads and the loading inequality of a cutting head. Practical value. The results obtained by the authors should be taken as a basis in determination of the maximal instantaneous torque in the cutting head transmission to be used later on in calculation of the long-term strength of the transmission components.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И31-5


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