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Manuliak I. Z. 
Gas flow measuring system using signal processing on the basis of entropy estimations = Інформаційно-вимірювальна система витрати газу на основі опрацювання сигналів за оцінками ентропії / I. Z. Manuliak, S. I. Melnychuk, Yu. Yo. Striletskyi, V. M. Harasymiv // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 5. - С. 125-130. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To increase the accuracy of gas flow measurement in tachometric transducers based on the improvement of structural, hardware and algorithmic support of information and measuring systems. Methodology. The gas consumption value is determined by the parameters of information and measurement signals. Sensor signals interacting with the environment are traditionally processed on the basis of amplitude and frequency methods. The research methodology is based on the information theory, methods of statistical and spectral analysis, digital signal processing, the theory of gas dynamics, based on mathematical modeling in a computational experiment, as well as the theory of errors and measurement results uncertainty. The statistical characteristics of the measuring signals of the converter presented in the unitary basis are studied. Findings. The conducted research resulted in development of an information-measuring system to control the sensitivity threshold of the transducers of the primary volume and the volume of gas consumption based on the developed primary transducer, which allows providing relative standard uncertainty of cost determination within +- 0,5 %. A special processor has been developed to calculate the entropy estimates of signal information. Originality. For the first time, a method for the formation and processing of information-measuring signals, which is based on the use of pressure pulsations due to the movement of the measuring element of the converter in the toroidal measuring cell, is proposed. Implementation of the measuring element of a spherical converter, whose density is almost commensurable with the density of the controlled medium is offered. Practical value. The proposed method allows providing a lower sensitivity threshold compared to the industrial implementation of tachometric type transducers.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З324


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