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Pylypenko Yu. 
Transition to a new paradigm of human capital development in the dynamic environment of the knowledge economy = Перехід до нової парадигми розвитку людського капіталу в динамічному середовищі економіки знань / Yu. Pylypenko, H. Pylypenko, V. V. Prokhorova, O. B. Mnykh, Yu. V. Dubiei // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2021. - № 6. - С. 170-176. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Establishing the qualitative characteristics of human capital and their compliance with modern trends of technical and technological development, formation of theoretical and methodological foundations of a new paradigm of human capital in a dynamic environment of the knowledge economy. Methodology. The study is based on a set of general scientific and specific methods of scientific knowledge, namely: dialectical approach - to determine the main characteristics and factors of modern technical and technological development; methods of analysis and synthesis - when studying the essential characteristics of human capital and methodological approaches to its quantitative measurement; grouping and classification - when forming a sample of countries to study the impact of public welfare on human capital indicators; mathematical statistics - to establish the relationship between per capita GVA and HDI. Findings. On the basis of the analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches proposed by leading international organizations to understand the essence of human capital, the lack of unity in the interpretation of this category with virtually unified methods of its quantitative measurement is stated. The main features of the current stage of technical and technological development, which is identified as a knowledge economy, are highlighted, and the inconsistency of key components in the existing indicators of human capital assessment with the realities of knowledge-intensive economic growth is shown. A regression model is built, based on which the dependence of human development indicators and, accordingly, human capital on the achieved level of social welfare in a given country is shown. The reasons of this dependence are identified and the principles of a new paradigm of human capital in the dynamic environment of the knowledge economy are proposed. Originality. The limitations of the dominant theoretical and methodological approaches to the quantitative assessment of human capital in the knowledge economy have been established. The transition to a new paradigm of its formation in modern conditions is grounded. It is proved that the qualitative parameters of human capital depend on the level of social welfare achieved in a particular country, which means that the processes of investing in human capital and increasing economic growth rates in individual countries are not always linear. The latter has been identified as one of the factors of intensification of global imbalances in technical and technological development. Practical value. Understanding the dependence of socio-economic development on the technical and technological component and its compliance with the basic characteristics of human capital allows governments to develop more effective economic policies aimed at forming an effective knowledge-based economy.

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