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Pechenik M. 
Electromechanical system of turbomechanism when using an alternative source of electric energy = Електромеханічна система турбомеханізму при використанні альтернативного джерела електричної енергії / M. Pechenik, S. Burian, M. Pushkar, H. Zemlianukhina // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2022. - № 2. - С. 61-66. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of a water supply unit in the conditions of pressure control fed from a renewable source of electric energy with static compensator (STATCOM). Methodology. The research was carried out by the method of mathematical modeling in the application packages MATLAB SimPowerSystems and Simulink. The object of the study is a turbomechanism control system, which is powered by a wind turbine when regulating the voltage and realizes the pressure stabilization during the daily cycle of hydraulic resistance variations. The subject of the study is the structure development of a given level of pressure stabilization in the water supply unit. Findings. A mathematical model of a water supply control system powered by a wind turbine is presented. The unit tests the pressure at a given level in accordance with technological requirements. The nature of the variation in pump performance within the daily cycle of consumption when powered by a wind turbine, which in turn performs regulation using a static compensator, is studied. Originality. The system regulates the generated voltage by using a STATCOM, which allows you to maintain its level constant regardless of changes in the network hydraulic resistance. Practical value. Today, the use of alternative energy sources is becoming increasingly important. The developed conception will allow improving the existing water supply systems and designing new ones. It allows you to adjust the set level of pressure stabilization, while the output of generator is maintained constant under constant wind conditions.

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