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Ursarova A. 
Multi-criteria evaluation of professional qualities of railway dispatching personnel using computer simulations = Багатокритеріальна оцінка професійних якостей диспетчерського персоналу залізниць із використанням комп'ютерних тренажерів / A. Ursarova, R. Mussaliyeva, B. Mussabayev, D. Kozachenko, R. Vernyhora // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2022. - № 2. - С. 141-147. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

Purpose. Development of a formal method to evaluate professional training of operating and dispatching personnel of railway stations. Methodology. Simulation approaches to generate performance indicators of a human dispatcher under the specified operational conditions are selected as well as techniques of cluster and discriminant analysis to evaluate the obtained results. Findings human factor is one of the main factors determining the performance of technical systems in general and the efficiency of a railway transportation system in particular. Analysis of the transport accident causes demonstrates that from 63 to 95 % of them are related to some extent to a human factor. In this regard, a problem of objective assessment of dispatching staff training quality and its effect on the indices of railway transportation functioning, including the operation safety is reflected in this article. Based on investigations carried out and the results obtained the operator training simulator of railway station was developed. Originality. A simulator is improved of the railway station functioning while using deterministic finite automata formalizing the procedures. The proposed approach helps simulate processes taking place at the railway stations and resulting from the correct actions by operators as well as the incorrect ones. In addition, the paper proposes the improved method to evaluate professional training of station operators based upon the cluster and discriminant analysis providing HF impact minimization in the process of the problem solving. Practical value. The approaches have been proposed to apply while developing training equipment for station operators. On the one hand, formal methods of cluster and discriminant analysis help provide human participation in the evaluation of professional training of station operators at the stage of training sample formation to be analysed. On the other hand, they make it possible to identify the trainee affiliation with a group of the defined training level and prevent from HF impact while evaluating training results of certain applicants.

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