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Pakhomov V. I. 
Rational profile for career roads = Обгрунтування раціонального профілю кар'єрних автодоріг / V. I. Pakhomov, I. V. Hirin, Yu. A. Monastyrskyi, V. Yu. Tyshchenko // Вісн. Криворіз. нац. ун-ту : зб. наук. пр.. - 2021. - Вип. 53. - С. 102-106. - Бібліогр.: 23 назв. - англ.

To develop the method for optimizing the longitudinal road profiles of deep horizons through the scientific and technical solutions for the design and practical use of effective trucking systems in opencast mining. Mathematical statistics, axiomatic and hypothetical methods, program-target method, generalization of experience of domestic quarries with the use of statistical data on production and operational characteristics of motor transport equipment, system analysis and simulation using information computer technologies; technical and economic calculations to substantiate effective technical and organizational solutions, mathematical modeling, technical and economic analysis, regression analysis in the study of the influence of the parameters of the road profile on the speed of dump trucks. The experimental-analytical methods for assessing mining and road conditions of technological vehicles based on a comprehensive accounting of physical criteria - loading mode of units of the dump truck, its speed depending on the applied configuration along the longitudinal profile; methods for assessing road operating conditions, the calculation of rational structures of road profiles used to power heavy-duty dump trucks is a contribution to the theory of transport systems formation in quarries. Boosting operation of motor transport equipment by increasing the average speed of heavy-duty dump trucks through the use of guidelines for optimizing the longitudinal profile of roads and intensificating of opencast mining. The research results allow to increase the scientific validity and accuracy of operational indicators of quarry vehicles by considering the comprehensive mining and road operating conditions; reduce the cost of transporting rock mass by optimizing the longitudinal profile of roads and achieve an increase in the speed of loaded dump trucks.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И168.3


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