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Pisarev V. 
Comprehensive assessment of the influence of structural friction in a vehicle suspension on its performance = Комплексна оцінка впливу конструкційного тертя в підвісці транспортного засобу на експлуатаційні якості / V. Pisarev // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/1. - С. 29-36. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Decision-making regarding the application of any new structure at the design stage requires in practice that it should be compared with the existing one by many indicators. A special feature of the new design of hydro-pneumatic suspension is the existence of movable connections (screw and splined) as parts of the hydropneumatic element. The presence of structural friction in movable connections requires, in particular, an assessment of the impact of this friction on the process of oscillations when moving through crossed terrain based on comparative analysis. The comprehensive estimate chosen for comparison includes operational properties in terms of ergonomics (smooth movement) and adhesion to the support surface (effort in the contact of wheels with the support surface). The results of a theoretical study involving a vehicle with parameters (weight, dimensions) close to armored personnel carriers BTR70, BTR80, but with hydropneumatic suspensions, demonstrated that when driving on crossed terrain with speeds up to 65 km/h there is a significant reserve in terms of ergonomics. Regardless of the presence (absence) of structural friction, at friction coefficients of up to 0,085. When moving on the surface with large irregularities, the reserve for the maximum allowable (3 g) acceleration in a driver seat is 4,708 times (there is no structural friction) and 3,768 times (structural friction is present). When moving on the surface with small irregularities, the reserve for the maximum permissible (0,5 g) acceleration in a driver seat is 2,093 times (there is no structural friction) and 2,616 times (structural friction is present). Under the most dangerous modes of movement (at the highest speeds) when driving over small irregularities, the presence of structural friction has a positive effect both in terms of ergonomics and stability. Thus, when driving at a speed of 65,679 km/h, the minimum clutch margin is 1,4 times greater, and the acceleration is 1,249 times smaller.

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