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Slavinska A. 
Devising a method to parametrize the jacket style varieties through the modification of tіpological series structures = Розробка методу параметризації стильових різновидів жакета засобами модифікування конструкцій типологічного ряду / A. Slavinska, V. Mytsa, O. Syrotenko, O. Dombrovska // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/1. - С. 92-105. - Бібліогр.: 25 назв. - англ.

The study reported here has revealed the issue related to the inefficient scaling of the uniformity of jacket model designs in the processes involving a typical representative as a result of modification parameters uncertainty. A variant has been proposed to synchronize the critical points of silhouetted allowances by grouping the numeric series in the vector of choosing the value for an increase in the allowance according to the characteristics of style varieties. The influence of shape-forming segmentation on the formation of a classifier of the structural and technological solutions for a jacket has been determined. The built model to support modification vectors has made it possible to describe the sequence of procedures execution by the method of typical representation. The presence of one design category, the same structural parts, the uniformity of style simplifies the processes of choosing and selecting the most characteristic models of the jacket. It was found that the morphological combination of attributes of the physical appearance affects the adjustment of style preferences in a manufacturer's products. The parameters for typical segmentation relative to the junction points of the structural zones of the optimized five-seam prototype design have been defined as the most influential vectors of jacket modification. A method for scaling the allowance for free fitting has been devised on the basis of data from empirical research. An adequate regression model has been derived for normalizing the silhouette allowance parameters. The constructed model makes it possible to scale silhouette structures by changing the increments at the corner points of the contour according to the prototype of gradation under an automated mode. Practical recommendations have been compiled on the parameters of zonal-modular modification of silhouette designs of jacket varieties: a linear character of the state silhouetted transformation relative to ASi 1 = 5 cm. The normalized parameters for constructing functional and decorative parts have been proposed.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: М413.4-2


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