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Makoveіchuk O. 
Development of a method for improving stability method of applying digital watermarks to digital images = Розробка методики підвищення стійкості методів вбудови цифрових водяних знаків в цифрові зображення / O. Makoveіchuk, I. Ruban, N. Bolohova, A. Kovalenko, V. Martovytskiy, T. Filimonchuk // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/2. - С. 45-56. - Бібліогр.: 25 назв. - англ.

A technique for increasing the stability of methods for applying digital watermark into digital images is presented. A technique for increasing the stability of methods for applying digital watermarks into digital images, based on pseudo-holographic coding and additional filtering of a digital watermark, has been developed. The technique described in this work using pseudo-holographic coding of digital watermarks is effective for all types of attacks that were considered, except for image rotation. The paper presents a statistical indicator for assessing the stability of methods for applying digital watermarks. The indicator makes it possible to comprehensively assess the resistance of the method to a certain number of attacks. An experimental study was carried out according to the proposed method. This technique is most effective when part of the image is lost. When pre-filtering a digital watermark, the most effective is the third filtering method, which is averaging over a cell with subsequent binarization. The least efficient is the first method, which is binarization and finding the statistical mode over the cell. For an affine type attack, which is an image rotation, this technique is effective only when the rotation is compensated. To estimate the rotation angle, an affine transformation matrix is found, which is obtained from a consistent set of corresponding ORB-descriptors. Using this method allows to accurately extract a digital watermark for the entire range of angles. A comprehensive assessment of the methodology for increasing the stability of the method of applying a digital watermark based on Wavelet transforms has shown that this method is 20 % better at counteracting various types of attacks.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З970.40


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