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Mustafa M. O. 
Broken rotor bars fault detection in induction motors based on envelope current and neural network / M. O. Mustafa // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/2. - С. 88-95. - Бібліогр.: 26 назв. - англ.

The growing demand for dependable manufacturing techniques has sped up research into condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of critical motor parts. On the other hand, in modern industry, machine maintenance is becoming increasingly necessary. An insufficient maintenance strategy can result in unnecessarily high downtime or accidental machine failure, resulting in significant financial and even human life losses. Downtime and repair costs rise as a result of failure. Furthermore, developing an online condition monitoring method may be one solution to come up for the problem. Early detection of faults is very vital since they grow quickly and can cause further problems to the motor. This paper proposes an effective strategy for the classification of broken rotor bars (BRBs) for induction motors (IMs) that uses a new approach based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and stator current envelope. The stator current envelope is extracted using the cubic spline interpolation process. This is based on the idea that the amplitude-modulated motor current signal can be revealed using the motor current envelope. The stator current envelope is used to select seven features, which will be used as input for the neural network. Five IM conditions were experimentally used in this study, including a part of BRB, 1 BRB, 2 BRBs and 3 BRBs. The new feature extraction and selection approach achieves a higher level of accuracy than the conventional method for motor fault classification, according to the experimental results. Indeed, the results are impressive, and it is capable of detecting the exact number of broken rotor bars under full load conditions.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З621.632-082

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