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Brunetkin O. 
Development of the model and the method for determining the influence of the temperature of gunpowder gases in the gun barrel for explaining visualize of free carbon at shot = Разработка модели и метода определения влияния температуры пороховых газов в ствольной системе, объясняющих визуальное проявление свободного углерода при выстреле / O. Brunetkin, M. Maksymov, V. Brunetkin, O. Maksymov, Y. Dobrynin, V. Kuzmenko, P. Gultsov // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 4/1. - С. 41-53. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - англ.

A phenomenon that is present in almost every shot is highlighted. It manifests itself in the muzzle discharge as a certain amount of free carbon. The thermochemical reaction of Boudouard - Bell (disproportionation of carbon monoxide) was determined, which explains the formation of free carbon in the gunpowder gases during the firing process. A feature of this reaction is the formation of a condensed phase of carbon during the firing process after the gasification of the gunpowder charge. The reason is revealed that does not allow describing the formation of free carbon during firing on the basis of existing models of internal ballistics processes. It is the lack of taking into account the temperature distribution of the gunpowder gases along the length of the gun barrel and its change. A mathematical model is proposed that makes it possible to estimate the temperature distribution during the shot. A method has been developed for solving the problem of internal ballistics with the ability to determine the temperature of gunpowder gases along the length of the gun barrel at different times and at different positions of the projectile in the barrel. The original model is built using generally accepted assumptions. Modeling results can only be estimated. For this reason, the method is based on simple calculations, which makes it possible not to involve high-power computing equipment. The modeling of the temperature distribution of gunpowder gases in the space of the gun barrel between the charging ball and the moving projectile in the model system is carried out. The possibility of changing the length of the zone of the Boudouard-Bell reaction (the zone of formation of free carbon) depending on the initial data is shown. The use of a fresh gunpowder charge and a degraded one is simulated. Full and reduced charges are considered. The simulation results showed the reason for the possibility of initiating a secondary muzzle discharge flash both from the front side and from the side of the muzzle brake.

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