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Nanka A. 
Substantiation of the presence and parameters of seed guides in the openers, which increase the quality of sowing and yield = Обоснование наличия и параметров направителей семян в сошниках, повышающих качество сева и урожай / A. Nanka, I. Morozov, V. Morozov, M. Krekot, A. Poliakov, I. Kiralhazi, M. Lohvynenko, V. Ryndiaiev, S. Dyakonov, M. Stashkiv // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 4/1. - С. 61-75. - Бібліогр.: 24 назв. - англ.

One of the promising methods for improving the uniformity of seed distribution in the soil is the control of the grain flow by guiding elements in the openers. This creates favorable conditions for the flight of seeds in the openers and when leaving them backwards, which equalizes the speed, in modulus, of seeds and the unit, improves the uniformity of their distribution in the soil. The presence and parameters of the guiding elements of the openers was theoretically substantiated, which gave the development of the process of controlling the grain flow in the openers and at the exit from them by using the guiding elements. Analytical expressions have been obtained to determine the characteristics of the movement of particles on various surfaces, which are recommended to be used for guides in the openers. Experimental studies have shown that openers with guides reduce the coefficient of variation along the row by 20 - 45 % and have it 88 - 98 %, and in depth - 24 - 27 %. On the basis of experiments, it is recommended that 3 - 4 guides are recommended for front openers (arithmetic mean interval along the row 18,5 - 23,5 mm, coefficient of variation 88 - 98 %). The advantage of the experimental opener in the distribution of seeds by depth is due to the use of guide elements in combination with an improved soil shedding process. This eliminated the technological drawback - the formation of a sub-opener inclined surface (arithmetic mean interval 42 - 37 mm, coefficient of variation 24 - 27 %). For a double disc opener, an improved guide is recommended, the bottom edge of which protrudes 2 cm in front of the vertical diameter of the discs and is located at a distance of 9 cm from the reference plane. The arithmetic mean spacing along the row of this opener is 15 mm, the coefficient of variation is 106 %.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: П072.41-35


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