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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Borak T. 
Microprocessor subsystem of the smart house to control the multichannel irrigation of the room plants / T. Borak, D. Kushnir, Ya. Paramud // Advances in Cyber-Phys. Systems. - 2022. - 7, № 1. - С. 1-7. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

This article develops the principles of building an intelligent home microprocessor subsystem to control the multi-channel irrigation of houseplants. The relevance of this topic has also been substantiated. Currently, there is a small number of devices in demand with a comfortable user interface and timer, which allows to adjust the watering at any time of day. The advantages over other available analogs and the need to create a customized system have been investigated. The developed structuralschematic diagram of the irrigation control system of houseplants based on the Arduino Nano microcontroller and a diagram of the algorithm of the subsystem has been proposed and given. As a result, there has been an example of the development of a subsystem that aims to improve and simplify the care of houseplants, which will save time and water resources.

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