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Bondar M. 
Improving marshmallow production technology by adding the fruit and vegetable paste obtained by low-temperature concentration = Удосконалення технології зефіру з додаванням плодоовочевої пасти, отриманої низькотемпературним концентруванням / M. Bondar, A. Solomon, N. Fedak, M. Paska, A. Hotvianska, L. Polozhyshnikova, D. Mironov, L. Kushch // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 5/11. - С. 43-50. - Бібліогр.: 23 назв. - англ.

A formulation composition and a low-temperature technique have been devised for concentrating fruit and vegetable puree with the following component content: 20 % apple; 20 % pumpkin; 15 % beets; 15 % cranberries; 15 % hawthorn. The puree is concentrated in a rotary evaporator to a solids content of 50 % at a temperature of 50 - 56 <^>oC under vacuum. The processing time was reduced to 1 - 2 min, which is several times less compared to conventional single-case pump vacuum evaporators (60 - 90 mins). Reducing the temperature influence of concentrating contributes to an increase in the organoleptic and physicochemical parameters of the resulting paste. To determine the effect of the contribution of each component to the structure of the paste, the structural and mechanical properties of the puree from each raw material and concentrated semi-finished products were investigated. The devised paste has an increased strength of the structure with a dynamic viscosity value of 394 Pa-s, which is 2,5 times more than that in the control sample. The devised blended fruit and vegetable paste has an increased content of physiologically functional ingredients and good organoleptic parameters, unlike control (apple paste). It was established that the partial replacement of apple puree in the formulation composition of marshmallow with 75 % of the devised multicomponent fruit and vegetable paste gives the product original properties. The dynamic viscosity value of the marshmallow in which 75 % of apple puree was replaced with the devised paste has increased, compared to the control sample (marshmallow without additives), from 408 Pa-s to 908 Pa-s. The color of the marshmallow mass where 75 % of apple puree were replaced is bright pink with a wavelength of 596,7 nm and a brightness of 62,3 %. The data reported here make it possible to improve the quality of original marshmallow products when adding fruit and vegetable semi-finished products whereby an increase in functional properties is provided.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л861.3


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