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Zabolotnyi K. S. 
Substantiating the methods for calculating the split cylindrical drums of mine hoisting machines with increased rope capacity = Обгрунтування методики розрахунку розрізних циліндричних барабанів шахтних підіймальних машин збільшеної канатомісткості / K. S. Zabolotnyi, O. L. Zhupiiev, V. V. Symonenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2022. - № 5. - С. 60-67. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. A simplified calculation method development for strengthened split cylindrical drum structures of the mine hoisting machines of the TsR-6,75 x 6,2/1,95 type. Methodology. The drum structure for the mine hoisting machines is conventionally divided into several nodes. A simplified averaged model is constructed for the nodes consisting of the shell, frontal, rib strengthening and brake discs (end nodes) based on the analysis of their operation, in particular, the stiffness analysis under different loads. After that, when assembling, the initial drum nodes are replaced with simplified ones and a so-called "simplified" model for the whole drum is constructed, as well as the displacements of the brake disc edges are determined. Findings. The simplified models for drum nodes have been created based on the analysis of their operation, and then the displacements of the whole drum simplified model have been calculated. Originality. The simplified calculation method error has been estimated: the method of averaging with increased thickness of the frontals. Practical value. For the TsR-6,75 x 6,2/1,95 hoisting machine with a drum diameter of 6750 mm, a drum width of 6200 mm and an adjustable part width of 1950 mm, with a groove cutting pitch of 51 mm and a maximum lifting depth of 1477 m, it has been determined that the maximum axial displacements for brake disc edges of the jammed and adjustable parts are 0,854 and 1,921 mm, respectively. A simplified calculation method has been developed for strengthened split cylindrical drum structures of the mine hoisting machines of the TsR-6,75 x 6,2/1,95 type, available for use in middle-class packages such as SolidWorks Simulation.

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