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Mazur Y. 
Management system for neutralizing the impact of risks on logistics processes during their dynamic changes = Система управління нейтралізації впливу ризиків на логістичні процеси за динамічної їх зміни / Y. Mazur, M. Chaikovska, A. Zaderei, V. Khrustalova, I. Shtunder // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2022. - № 6. - С. 170-175. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To develop an algorithm for choosing alternative routes with dynamic changes in the risks of cargo transportation. To propose a structure of the management system of logistics departments and an enterprise in general to neutralize risks. Methodology. The method of mathematical formalization was used to form a mathematical model of management of transportation routes with changes in threats in real time; the method of a system approach to the enterprise's business processes was used to take into account their impact on logistics processes; risk stratification method - for evaluating the efficiency of logistics operations; the method of using the matrix of vectors made it possible to form a mathematical approach to solving a dynamic logistic problem and to considering it as a time-dispersed system; the method for dividing parameters by measurement scales allowed using a unified mathematical approach to the formalization of the problem; the method of sequential approximation made it possible to choose the most acceptable options for making management decisions. Findings. It is established that the level of risks can change from minimal to unacceptable in real time, which proves the importance of assessing both the degree of risk and the rate of its change. An approach is proposed to coordinate the proposed alternative routes, taking into account the requirements of various structural departments, achieving both risk reduction, and ranking of goals, ensuring less time for transportation. The formation of a decision tree on logistics chains and continuous monitoring of risks is substantiated. Originality. An algorithm for selecting alternative routes with dynamic changes in cargo transportation risks is developed. A structure of the management system for logistics departments and enterprises to neutralize risks is proposed. Practical value. The proposed approach makes it possible to predict risks in the face of their dynamic changes and to ensure their effective management.

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