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Pylypenko Yu. 
Innovative intellectual capital in the system of factors of technical and technological development = Інноваційний інтелектуальний капітал у системі чинників техніко-технологічного розвитку / Yu. Pylypenko, V. Prokhorova, L. Halkiv, O. Koleshchuk, Yu. Dubiei // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2022. - № 6. - С. 181-186. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To define the essence and structure of the innovative intellectual capital and substantiate the quantitative indicators for its measurement. Methodology. During the research, the following general scientific methods of scientific knowledge were applied: system analysis - to clarify the essence of innovative intellectual capital and its structure; a method of analysis and synthesis - to substantiate the components of the innovative intellectual capital index; economic and mathematical methods - to calculate the index value for certain countries of the world. Findings. The essence of innovative intellectual capital is analyzed as a set of intangible assets of the country, which characterize the real and potential ability of human capital to use knowledge and information for innovative economic growth. Its three structural elements - human, structural, and network social capitals - are identified and characterized. A method of quantitative measurement of innovative intellectual capital is substantiated by representing the same-name index. The value of the innovative intellectual capital indices is calculated in terms of sampling of 26 world countries; its dynamics over three years is shown, and direct relationship between its level and the GDP indicator of the respective country is proven. Originality. The essence of innovative intellectual capital and its structure is substantiated; the index of innovative intellectual capital is proposed, and its value is calculated for the selected world countries; the direct dependence between its level and the GDP indicator of the respective country is proved. Practical value. The proposed index of innovative intellectual capital makes it possible to select more effectively the directions of the national economic policy in the field of technical and technological development.

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