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Prila O. 
The development of the system for ARC Nordugrid based grid-computing organization using virtual environments of the Docker platform = Розробка системи організації grid-обчислень на базі ARC Nordugrid з використанням віртуальних оточень виконання платформи Docker / O. Prila, V. Kazymyr, V. Bazylevych, O. Sysa // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 6/2. - С. 117-124. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - англ.

The study of modern frameworks and means of using virtualization in a grid environment confirmed the relevance of the task of automated configuration of the environment for performing tasks in a grid environment. Setting up a task execution environment using virtualization requires the implementation of appropriate algorithms for scheduling tasks and distributed storage of images of virtual environments in a grid environment. Existing cloud infrastructure solutions to optimize the process of deploying virtual machines on computing resources do not have integration with the Arc Nordugrid middleware, which is widely used in grid infrastructures. An urgent task is to develop tools for scheduling tasks and placing images of virtual machines on the resources of the grid environment, taking into account the use of virtualization tools. The results of the implementation of services of the framework are presented that allow to design and perform computational tasks in a grid environment based on ARC Nordugrid using the virtual environment of the Docker platform. The presented results of the implementation of services for scheduling tasks in a grid environment using a virtual computing environment are based on the use of a scheduling algorithm based on the dynamic programming method. Evaluations of the effectiveness of the solutions developed on the basis of a complex of simulation models showed that the use of the proposed algorithm for scheduling and replicating virtual images in a grid environment can reduce the execution time of a computational task by 88 %. Such estimates need further refinement; it is predicted that planning efficiency will increase over time with an increase in the number of running tasks due to the redistribution of the storage of virtual images.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З970.31-015


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