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Lanetskii B. 
Development of an estimation-experimental method for estimating the preservation indicators of single-use articles = Розробка розрахунково-експериментального методу оцінювання показників збережуваності виробів однократного застосування / B. Lanetskii, V. Lukianchuk, I. Koval, H. Khudov, A. Hordiienko, O. Zvieriev, O. Shknai, V. Kozlov, D. Bieliaiev, A. Grechka // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 6/3. - С. 18-35. - Бібліогр.: 30 назв. - англ.

To manage the operation of modern single-use products, it is necessary to evaluate their preservation indicators as uncontrolled, non-repairable, and maintenance-free objects. Data for assessing its parameters are considered as one-time censored samples with continuous monitoring, which does not correspond to the mode of storage of products during operation. Under the conditions of limited volumes of censored samples, it is problematic to identify the parametric model of persistence. To solve this problem, a non-parametric estimation-experimental method has been devised, which is a set of models for data generation, estimation of the function of the distribution of the preservation period and preservation indicators. The data generation model is represented by a scheme of operational tests and analytical relationships between the quantities of tested and failed articles. The model of estimating the distribution function describes the process of its construction on the generated data. Models for estimating preservation indicators are represented by ratios for their point and interval estimates, as functionals from the restored distribution function. Unlike the wellknown ones, the developed method implements the assessment of indicators under the conditions of combined censorship. The method can be used to assess the preservation indicators of single-use articles with an error of at least 7 %. At the same time, their lower confidence limits are estimated at 0,9 with an error not worse than 14 % with a censorship degree of not more than 0,23. The restored distribution function agrees well (reliability 0,9, error 0,1) with the actual persistence of articles with censorship degrees of not more than 0,73, which is acceptable for solving the problems of managing their operation.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ж609


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