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Tsapko Yu. 
Defining patterns of heat transfer through the fire-protected fabric to wood = Встановлення закономірностей передачі тепла через вогнезахищену тканину до деревини / Yu. Tsapko, A. Tsapko, O. Bondarenko // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 6/10. - С. 49-56. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - англ.

Under the thermal action on wood when applying a protective screen made from fire-retardant fabric, the process of temperature transfer is natural. It has been proven that depending on the thermal properties of the coating of fire-proof fabric, this could lead to varying degrees of heat transfer. Therefore, it becomes necessary to study the conditions for establishing low thermal conductivity and establishing a mechanism that inhibits heat transfer to wood. Given this, a mathematical model has been built of the process of heat transfer to wood when it is protected by a screen made of fire-proof fabric. According to the experimental data on determining the temperature on the non-heated surface of the fabric and the resulting dependences, the density of the heat flow transmitted to wood through fire-proof fabric was determined. Thus, with an increase in the temperature, the density of the heat flow to the surface of the wood through a protective screen made of fire-proof protected coating based on "Firewall-Attic" increases to a value above 16 kW/m<^>2, which is not sufficient for ignition of wood. Instead, the density of the heat flow through the protective screen of fire-proof fabric protected by the "Firewall-Wood"-based coating did not exceed 14 kW/m<^>2. This makes it possible to argue about the compliance of the detected mechanism of formation of heat-insulating properties in the protection of wood and the practical attractiveness of the proposed technological solutions. Thus, the peculiarities of inhibition of the process of heat transfer to wood through a protective screen made of fire-proof fabric under the action of a radiation panel imply the formation of a heat-insulating layer of coked cellular material when decomposing the coating. Thus, on the surface of the fire-proof fabric, a temperature above 280 <^>oC was achieved and, on an untreated surface of the fabric, it did not exceed 220 <^>oC, which is insufficient for the ignition of wood.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: М130.374 + М377.9


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