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Bigun O. 
Authentic materials in French language learning as a practice of intercultural communication = Автентичні матеріали при вивченні французької мови як практика міжкультурної комунікації / O. Bigun, N. Yatskiv // Філол. трактати. - 2022. - № 1. - С. 7-15. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

The theoretical aspects of the use of authentic materials in the study of foreign languages are mainly focused on the problem of forming the language and speech competence of the methodological provision of separate components of intercultural students' education. However, the context of intercultural communication actualises the question of the functional filling of authentic educational materials for the implementation of linguocultural and socio-cultural aspects in the study of a foreign language. The purpose of the article is to study the effectiveness of authentic educational materials in the formation of foreign communicative competence, which has a complex structure and acts as interaction and interpenetration of linguistic, sociocultural and communicative competences, the level of formation of which allows a student or a future specialist to effectively implement a foreign language, and, therefore, interlingual, intercultural and interpersonal communication. The study uses a wide range of theoretical methods, including discursive analysis, intercultural studies, pragmatic and sociolinguistics approaches, systematisation of scientific research that studies this issue, as well as a survey method, including observation, conversion analysis and a statistical method during the calculation of results. The effectiveness of authentic materials such as authentic textbooks, written and oral texts from the media, video and audio materials, and the advantages of the IT network in the teaching of the French language have been analysed. It has been found that authentic materials in the teaching of French language promote the implementation of intercultural communication.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ш147.11-913.0


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