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Halchuk T. N. 
Impact of technological system's characteristics on the machining accuracy of bearing rings / T. N. Halchuk, O. Yu. Povstyanoy, M. Bembenek, R. G. Redko, T. I. Chetverzhuk, R. M. Polinkevych // J. of Eng. Sciences. - 2023. - 10, № 1. - С. A22-A30. - Бібліогр.: 24 назв. - англ.

The article shows the influence of the technological system of an automated lathe, in particular cam chucks, on the accuracy of machining bearing rings for production conditions. The value of the deformation during machining, i.e., the non-circularity of the ring of a single row tapered roller bearing 32017X in outer diameter, was investigated. For the study, samples were selected that were processed under the same conditions directly in the production unit of PJSC "SKF Ukraine" without interference with the technological process. The use of replaceable floating cams in the chuck design was proposed to increase the accuracy and productivity of machining. Experimental studies have shown that the machined surface's ovality depends on the chuck cams' clamping force. The effectiveness of computer processing of statistical data on the accuracy control of engineering products was shown. Implementing machining accuracy control in production using the Minitab computer program was presented. It was proven that the quality of products is formed under the influence of the use of modern computer technologies at all stages of manufacturing and control of parts, which ensures research in a wide range of changes in technological parameters and comparison of individual studies with actual machining conditions on the machine, with the results of a sufficient level of reliability.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К632.001.453


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