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Tigariev V. 
Design in modern information systems by applying cloud technologies / V. Tigariev, O. Lopakov, O. Rybak, V. Kosmachevskiy, V. G. Cioata // J. of Eng. Sciences. - 2023. - 10, № 1. - С. E8-E13. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

In this study, the general algorithm and technology of design in advanced computer-aided design (CAD) software of the CAD-in-the-Cloud type using an information model (IM) was discussed in detail. Applying design systems of this type increases productivity and quality of the development and enables group work on the project. The proposed information model consists of three main components - working with Autodesk Fusion 360 on a computer, working with cloud capabilities, and designers' collaboration through the cloud. Nevertheless, some IM elements may be missing in a particular design, or there can be options for applying the proposed steps in the design process. Developing customized respiratory protective equipment (face masks) in Autodesk Fusion 360 CAD family was considered as an example of the suggested IM application. Modern design and producing technologies enable the creation of masks according to individual anatomical characteristics of the human face. In this paper, the protective mask was created by applying modern cloud computing technologies using information models. Information models were adapted to the process of protective mask design. The model of a human headform was developed using the 3D scanning method. After applying retopology tools, a basis of the mask frame was created on the surface of a 3D model of a head. Building a solid model and testing the mask fame configuration under mechanical stresses due to facial expression changing was carried out in Autodesk Fusion 360 CAD software. Finally, the cloud module of the generative design was applied to determine the filtering element configuration.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З970.631-018


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