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Vakulenko L. 
Association between upper extremity muscle function and perfusion in children for predicting the effectiveness of rehabilitation in the post-traumatic period = Залежність функції м'язів верхніх кінцівок від перфузії при прогнозуванні ефективності реабілітації в посттравматичному періоді в дітей / L. Vakulenko, O. Obolonska, O. Nekhanevych, V. Golyk, T. Obolonska // Здоров'я дитини. - 2023. - 18, № 4. - С. 271-276. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

The adverse social situation in Ukraine and an increase in the number of injured children lead to a burden on trauma departments and rehabilitation centers. Looking for simple methods to help detect violations of compensatory mechanisms, one of which is the centralization of blood circulation, and impaired perfusion at the microcirculatory periphery level is of great current relevance. A comprehensive clinical and functional examinations were applied to 44 children aged 10 - 15 years, 21 of them had home-related upper extremity fractures (main group), 23 otherwise healthy children served as the control group. All the children underwent the Box and Block Test (BBT), and the perfusion index (PI) from the extremities was recorded. Conclusions: BBT scores were characterized by a 1,6-, 2,0- and 1,8-fold (p << 0,05) reduction during the first, second and third measurements, respectively, compared to those of healthy children. Characteristic feature of perfusion index was a statistically significant decrease before and during exercise training as well as slow dynamics of recovery. The correlations between perfusion index and BBT have proven the association of the rehabilitation processes and blood flow restoration.

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