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Tchaban V. 
Electrogravity: movement in electric and gravitational field / V. Tchaban. - Lviv : Prostir-M, 2023. - 157 c. - Бібліогр.: с. 155-156 - англ.

The experimental laws of statics - Newton's gravitational interaction and Coulomb’s electric interaction in the case of motion of bodies have been adapted, taking into account the finite velocity of propagation of an electric and gravitational fields. As a result, it was found that the force interaction is three-component. The first components are the static forces of Newton and Coulomb. The second components are Lorenz force and gravitomagnetic force, caused by the transverse components of the speed. And the third component (previously unknown) - is due to the longitudinal components of velocity. They play a very important role in the dynamics of motion. On this basis, a unified proto-formula of motion is obtained, with the help of which symmetric information about electric and gravitational energy in the form of the Hamiltonian action of a field functional is prepared. According to the variational principles, similar space-time differential equations of electric and gravitational fields are constructed. The results of the simulation of motion dynamics in both fields of micro-, macro-, and mega world are added Such important problems as perihelion precession of planets, the capture of celestial bodies by a black hole, interaction of the light beam with gravity, the anomaly of "Pioneer" probes, electromechanical state of Hydrogen and Helium atoms, etc. are simulated.

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