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Zahorulko And. 
Development of apparatus for frying semi-finished meat cut = Розробка апарату для смаження напівфабрикатів м'ясних посічених / And. Zahorulko, Alek. Zagorulko, B. Liashenko, V. Mikhaylov, N. Budnyk, A. Kainash, M. Bondar, O. Skoromna, E. Ibaiev // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 3/11. - С. 69-76. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - англ.

A model of the apparatus for frying chopped semi-finished meat products has been designed, which is distinguished by the technique of heat supply by replacing metal-intensive and inertial heaters with inertia-free ones with a uniform distribution of the temperature field by a film resistive electric heater of radiative type. For condensing juice-containing vapors in functionally closed media, plate coil liquid coolers with Peltier elements are used. At the temperature of the heating surfaces of 180 <^>oC, the cold side of the Peltier element provides a coolant temperature of up to 10 <^>oC. The proposed solution could improve the competitiveness of the device, which is explained by the established technical and operational indicators. The improved device over 300 s provides a temperature in the center of a product of 90 <^>oC, and on surface layers - 130 <^>oC, which characterizes the culinary readiness of meat products. When making samples conventionally, the surface layer warms up to 120 <^>oC, and the central layer - to 72 <^>oC, at the temperature of the contact surface of 160 <^>oC over 180 s with crust formation. In addition, the difference between the opposite layers of the control sample is 85 <^>oC, which confirms the uneven heating during frying in the conventional way, which is explained by the need to use auxiliary operations for turning the product. The heating time to operating temperature was reduced by 88,6 %, specific heat consumption was decreased by 43,0, and productivity by 14,8 %, with full culinary readiness of products, compared with the conventional device. The increase in the resource efficiency of the apparatus for frying meat products was confirmed, which is achieved by the implementation of the proposed design and hardware solutions to ensure the competitiveness of the apparatus that will make it possible to prepare original meat products.

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