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Al-Ababneh H. A. 
Formation of scientific and methodological aspects of evaluation transformation of targets economic development of countries = Формування науково-методологічних аспектів оцінки трансформації цілей економічного розвитку країн / H. A. Al-Ababneh, H. Al-Dhaimesh, A. F. Alshira'h, M. H. Alibraheem, M. I. Mugableh, A. Alhosban, P. Katuse, L. Vasylyshyna, O. Popova, O. Mizina // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 3/13. - С. 52-66. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - англ.

The main purpose of the study is to develop scientific and methodological aspects of assessing the transformation of the target indicators of the economic development of countries, the argumentation of the impact of information technology on the economic growth of countries using the tools of multidimensional cluster analysis. The object of the study is the models of economic development of countries and the assessment of the impact of ICT on them. The relevance and necessity of studying this issue lies in the development of scientific and methodological aspects for assessing the transformation of the target indicators of the economic development of countries. The main results of the study are characterized by the following. The main types of modern economic models are systematized, which made it possible to highlight their features and specifics of application in different countries of the world, depending on the political and socio-economic directions of development; it is substantiated that the key factor of sustainable development of the country is economic growth; for the first time, the specifics of the transformation of the main indicators of the economic development of countries under the influence of innovative information technologies are argued. The presented results made it possible to form the scientific and methodological aspects of conducting a multidimensional cluster analysis of the transformation of the target indicators of the economic development of countries, which ensured the identification of homogeneous groups of clusters of countries by the level of economic development (global indices of economic development of countries), taking into account the peculiarities of their functioning and development strategies. The practical application of the research results will ensure the effectiveness of the formation of economic policies and strategies for the economic development of countries, taking into account the application of the developed scientific and methodological aspects.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: У50-96


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