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Karachentsev Yu. 
Association between xanthinoxidase activity and parameters of glucose homeostasis in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus = Зв'язок активності ксантиноксидази з параметрами гомеостазу глюкози у хворих на цукровий діабет 2-го типу / Yu. Karachentsev, A. Cherniaieva, M. Mykytyuk, L. Sergienko // Міжнар. ендокринол. журн. - 2023. - 19, № 1. - С. 1-8. - Бібліогр.: 35 назв. - англ.

The purpose of the study is to determine the associations between clinical and anthropometric parameters, glucose homeostasis and serum xanthinoxidase (XO) activity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) taking into account gender, glycemic control and serum XO activity. Materials and methods. One hundred and twenty-five T2DM patients aged 34 to 81 years were examined, with an average age of <$E58,9~symbol С~9,4> years, disease duration from 1 month to 29 years (average of <$E8,9~symbol С~6,6> years). The age of patients at the time of the disease manifestation in the general sample was from 29 to 71 years, on average <$E50,6~symbol С~9,1> years. Results. The authors have found a nonlinear dependence of serum XO activity on fasting insulin concentration in patients with T2DM in the total sample, described by the multiplicative model (r = 0,45; p = 0,001). Serum XO activity in patients with T2DM in the general sample increases with adaptive increase in secretory activity of <$Ebeta>-cells on an empty stomach according to the HOMA_<$Ebeta> %. Serum ХO activity washighest in T2DM patients with low fasting insulin sensitivity (HOMA_S % << 50 %). In addition, it has been determined that the serum ХО activity in the subjects is nonlinearly associated with the QUICKI (r = -0,35; p = 0,016) and Caro indices (r = -0,40; p = 0,007). We have found a nonlinear dependence of serum XO activity on fasting insulin (r = 0,50; p = 0,08), HOMA_<$Ebeta> % (r = -0,53; p = 0,06), HOMA_S % (r = -0,48; p = 0,09), HOMA-IR (r = -0,48; p = 0,09) in men with optimal glycemic control (HbA1c << 7,5 %) at the trend level and Caro (r = -0,64; p = 0,02). In women of this group, there was a nonlinear dependence of serum XO activity on fasting insulin (r = 0,56; p = 0,004), HOMA_<$Ebeta> % (r = 0,56; p = 0,003), HOMA_S % (r = -0,54; p = 0,005), HOMA-IR (r = 0,54; p = 0,005), QUICKI (r = -0,50; p = 0,01) and Caro (r = -0,61; p = 0,003). Conclusions. In patients with T2DM, the serum uric acid is linearly associated with the level of serum XO activity, which determines 34 % of its variability. In patients with T2DM, regardless of the state of glycemic control, serum XO activity is nonlinearly associated with parameters characterizing the state of glucose homeostasis (fasting insulin, HOMA_S %, HOMA_<$Ebeta> %, QUICKI and Caro indices). Predictors of high serum XO activity in patients with T2DM are the level of postprandial blood glucose (t = -3,53; p = 0,004) and serum uric acid (t = 4,73; p = 0,0005).

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