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Zagorulko Al. 
Improvement of cupcake technology with the addition of dried beet pomace = Удосконалення технології кексу з додаванням сушених бурякових вичавків / Al. Zagorulko, K. Kasabova, And. Zahorulko, M. Serik, O. Bolkhovitina // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 5/11. - С. 20-28. - Бібліогр.: 35 назв. - англ.

The object is de-sugared beet pomace, which contains a large amount of dietary fiber in its composition, as well as the technology of cupcakes with its addition. The task of enriching cupcakes with useful substances is tackled. A production technique of dried powdered beet pomace has been substantiated, which is characterized by low-temperature concentration modes in the rotary evaporator and post-drying in the roller IR dryer, which could contribute to the preservation of physiologically functional ingredients. The rheological characteristics of concentrated beet pomace in the rotary evaporator in the temperature range of 65 - 75 <^>oC were determined. The established indicators revealed a tendency to reduce the effective viscosity depending on the temperature in the range of 42 to 27 Pa-s. For the speed of the rotary evaporator agitator of 200 - 300 min<^>-1, the maximum level of effective viscosity of beet pomace of 3 - 5 Pa-s was established. Studies of the rheological characteristics of the dough with the introduction of dried beet pomace have made it possible to establish an increase in its elastic-viscous properties with an increase in the amount of additive. The highest indicator of effective viscosity <$E eta sub ef> (Pa-s) of the studied dough samples for cupcakes with the addition of an additive of 10 % is 347; 15 % - 384; 20 % - 442; and control - 287, respectively. The compression of the crumb of finished cupcakes was also determined, which increases by 10,2 - 22,4 % with an increase in the amount of beet pomace powder. The organoleptic and physical-chemical indicators of the quality of cupcakes revealed the optimal amount of application of dried beet pomace - 15 %. The selected sample contains physiologically functional ingredients, namely dietary fiber, low molecular weight phenolic compounds, minerals. The technology can be introduced into the confectionery industry.

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