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Пошуковий запит: (<.>A=Trunov A$<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 12
Представлено документи з 1 до 12

Trunov A. Realization of the paradigm of prescribed control of a nonlinear object as the problem on maximization of adequacy // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2016. - № 4/4.

Trunov A. Recurrent transformation of the dynamics model for autonomous underwater vehicle in the inertial coordinate system // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2017. - № 2/4.

Trunov A. Recurrent network as a tool for calibration in automated systems and interactive simulators // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2018. - № 2/9.

Trunov A. Transformation of operations with fuzzy sets for solving the problems on optimal motion of crewless unmanned vehicles // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2018. - № 4/4.

Dykhta L. Construction of the method for building analytical membership functions in order to apply operations of mathematical analysis in the theory of fuzzy sets // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2018. - № 5/4.

Trunov A. Synthesis of a trend's integral estimate based on a totality of indicators for a time series data // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2019. - № 2/4.

Trunov A. Forming a metodology for transforming a model as the basis for expanding its informativeness // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2019. - № 5/4.

Trunov A. Forming a metodology for transforming a model as the basis for expanding its informativeness // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2019. - № 5/4.

Trunov A. Forming a method for determining the coordinates of sound anomalies based on data from a computerized microphone system // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 2/4.

Trunov A. Forming a method for the integral estimation of interface quality in automated systems based on the quantitative and qualitative indicators // Вост.-Европ. журн. передовых технологий. - 2020. - № 4/4.

Trunov A. Methods and tools formation of general indexes for automation of devices in regenerative medicine for post-stroke patients // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 4/2.

Trunov A. Increasing quality of the wireless module for monitoring and supervision of sound series of the expanded purpose // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 6/5.
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